Zoning Committee—Process and Procedures
- Spruce Hill Zoning Committee will meet to review an application for zoning variances, permits, liquor licenses, and anything else that impacts on regulatory changes involving property or streetscape issues
- Applicants will have an opportunity to present their case before the Zoning Committee at a scheduled hearing
- Those immediately affected (residents, businesses, etc) will be notified of such meetings and invited to attend
- Everyone with interest in a particular case will have an opportunity to express an opinion, pro or con
- The committee will deliberate in private and decisions will be communicated to both applicant and meeting attendees
- Committee decisions will be determined by majority vote, but every attempt will be made to reach a general consensus
- On issues that are particularly controversial with broad impact on the community at large, or with issues that the committee is particularly divided on, presentation will be made to the Spruce Hill Board of Directors for general discussion and/or decision
- The Spruce Hill Board will be kept informed of all zoning issues dealt with by the committee through periodic reports by the zoning committee chair; additionally, the Spruce Hill Executive Committee will be kept regularly informed of issues before the zoning committee through a “common member” or by direct communication from the committee chair
- The zoning committee chair will exercise common sense in determining if certain zoning issues can be resolved absent a formal zoning committee meeting. This may involve enlisting the services of another committee member with a particular expertise. The chair is authorized to resolve such zoning issues whenever possible and to keep the committee fully informed of the issues involved and their resolution.
- Zoning committee work carries with it responsibility. Committee decisions impact broad segments of the community—residents, businesses, property investors, institutions, etc. It is essential that committee members work cooperatively, and that they speak with one voice once decisions are made. Spruce Hill cannot have two or three positions on one zoning issue!
- Precedent is important, especially in zoning. Every effort must be made to consider a zoning issue in light of previous cases; however, each applicant deserves to have their case reviewed as separate and distinct and viewed within its own context. Should the committee decide a case contrary to past practice, it must make clear why it feels the current case justifies such a departure.
- Representation to the Zoning Board of Adjustment will be made by the committee chair, or by his/her designee.
- Official zoning committee decisions will be communicated on Spruce Hill stationery under the signature of the committee chair or a designee.